Friday, February 27, 2015

Going with the flow...

This year started off so exciting.  I LOVE new things, and this year we added our CC notebook.  Remember that?  Yeah!  It was great!  We loved the pages!  Love the pages.  However about week 9 we realized we were just leaving the notebook sitting on the shelf and grabbing pages here and there.  then of course you know what happens to stray pages.  We work on a bit of a different schedule than originally planned so the organization of the notebook didn't work anymore.

It became tedious to figure out where all the pages were, since our schedule now goes by subject. Each day we do one review game in the morning (review last 6 weeks +current week). But we have a schedule of subjects.
Monday-Timeline, Math, History
Tuesday-community day
Thurs-English, Latin

(on Geo day we do map tracing for review instead of a game)

Then we do those pages on those days. Sometimes we don't get to it but then we go back to it and do it as a review. So you see why it was tedious all as one binder.

So in spirit of "going with the flow", we took apart the binder and sorted them by subject. Now we have 8 comb bound workbooks and use each one on the day we work from. It works SO much better for our family.

Some days, (Mondays especially) we don't get to all of their notebooks.  So those pages end up being left for review on days like Friday when there is extra time for work :)

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